~You feel a calling, a longing for something more.
~You are tired of 'fake-throughs', yo yo detoxing, temporary solutions and surface self-help.
~You caught the "If I just-itis" virus:
"If I just (fill in the blank),
THEN I would...
BE happy.
DO what my heart desires.
HAVE what I want.
FEEL beautiful.
~On a journey into Sacred Self -Mastery.
~Co-Creation with your soul.
~Initiations, activations, & a deep dive into wholeness.
~Inner wisdom, magnetism, miracles & truth.
~Unconditional happiness, freedom & joy.
~Awakenings, awareness, empowerment & fun!
~Inner Beauty, radiance.
~Mental clarity, certainty, connection to source.
~Radical Self-Love (but not the way you'd think).
~Information overload & technology
~Habitual behaviors, thought patterns & unconscious beliefs.
~Your self-image, perceptions & lack of Sacred Self-care. ​
~Dis-ease in the body, stuck emotions, sugar & self-doubt.
~Lack of energy.
Self-Study Systems / 1:1 Soul Sessions / Workshops / Retreats
~Ancient Healing Techniques
~Spiritual principles & embodiment
~Pranic healing & Integrative Nutritional Support
~Clear Belief Coaching
~Sugar Detoxification
You my dear are entrenched in the “Information Age.”
Misinformation is easy to get, hard to discern, and can be downright overwhelming.
Evvvveryyyyone is “the next best” with the “perfect" system... funnel... diet... sales formula... the list goes on.
Well, if it’s so perfect you think, why am I still struggling?
Because it isn’t information you are lacking or the right “tools”, it is a conscious, unshakable connection to your internal GPS and divine wisdom.
You can’t learn wisdom, you can only experience it, and from that, develop a deep knowing that goes far beyond what the conscious mind can understand.
Sacred Self-Mastery experiences are a gateway to access the Guru within you, the unwavering truth, to help you gain self-directed knowledge and self-actualized growth.
Most approaches compartmentalize wellness, viewing different aspects of our wellness as separate (nutrition in one compartment, fitness in another, beauty in another, etc…we even forget about our emotions and spiritual well-being in our quest to healthy living and only tend to focus on the external).
If this rings true for you, listen up.
You are a multi-dimensional being requiring harmony in the midst of a chaotic, disconnected, noisy world.
Your body is a unified wholeness that reflects every experience that you have in consciousness.
To divide experience and only focus your attention on what nourishes separate aspects of yourself is a very fragmented approach.
The wisdom traditions say that focusing on externals alone is like polishing a flower instead of watering the root.
Instead, Sacred Self-Mastery, focuses on all 6 aspects of Self, these aspects work together to create your highest potential health, vitality, prosperity, energy and Beauty.
Including dietary shifts that optimize digestion, create nutritional balance and get you out of the crash and craving cycles. Breathing techniques and specific yoga positions to promote oxygenation and detoxification, which help to revitalize your body, and meditation practices (even if you think you are terrible at it) which can reduce chronic anger, worry, and fear, conditions which are just as acidic and inflammatory to your body as junk food.
Most importantly, Sacred Self-Mastery is not a one size fits all approach. You are 72 trillion unique cells. Let's keep it that way.
Ready For a Self- Mastery Makeover?
YOU: But Stacey, I'm busy! Can't you just tell me what to do and how much it will cost me? Are there any free resources, or programs I can just purchase right now?
ME: Yes, but my guess is that you have plenty of free resources, and enough "what to do's" with one click solutions to last a lifetime. I would insert that it is likely not that you don't know what to do, it's that you don't know why you either still aren't doing it, OR are doing IT ALL, but not having the results that you deserve. That my dear is my specialty.
I have free resources, and ways to work with me that fit any budget, but until I talk to you and your Sacred Self, there is no way to know which one is the best next step.
So, don't be shy!
Schedule a no-obligation soul session by clicking here (or the link below) to see if I'm your cup of fair trade, organic, raw cacao, dark hot chocolate! And I can decide if your my cup of organic herbal tea. :)